About me


I am a Ph.D. student in Mathematics at McGill University, supervised by Hamed Hatami. My primary research interest is in additive combinatorics. I got my M.Sc. and B.Sc. from McGill as well. My master’s thesis, supervised by Luc Devroye, was on Galton–Watson trees. My B.Sc. was in the Joint Honours Mathematics and Computer Science program, with a minor in Linguistics. In 2019, I also did an exchange semester at Charles University in Prague.

I am one of the founding editors of Ahoy Literary Magazine. If you write poetry or prose we would be honoured if you submitted it to us! You could also follow our Instagram profile.

I was born in Singapore but spent most of my childhood in Leduc, Alberta. I graduated from Beaumont Composite High School before serving in the Singapore Armed Forces from 2015 to 2017.

My favourite polygon is the pentagon.

From 2017 to 2021, I volunteered with the McGill Student Emergency Response Team.

When I’m not doing math or attending school, I enjoy bouldering, writing, travelling, and photography.

My CV is available in both TeX (compile with either XeTeX or Plain TeX) and PDF formats.

Also, check out my Google Scholar profile and my articles on arXiv.