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If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike.


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𓅺 Dorsa Afshin 𓆡 Caelan Atamanchuk 𓋙 Anna Brandenberger 𓀘 Luc Devroye 𓂀 Shereen Elaidi 𓀬 Lisa Elnagar 𓆈 Stephen Fay 𓄅 Danny Gedig 𓃰 Cheyenne Goh 𓅮 Stefan Grosser 𓍰 Amanda Gu 𓏢 Adam Hamdan 𓀲 Jad Hamdan 𓁹 Hazem Hassan 𓃇 Sophia Howard 𓆉 Donald Knuth 𓎬 Rasha Lama 𓃵 Cheng Lin 𓀦 Michelle Lin 𓃠 Diego Lopez 𓄚 Jessie Meanwell 𓅣 Bronwyn Neufeld 𓀔 Khoi Nguyen 𓇸 Matej Pederson 𓀏 Denali Relles 𓅓 Jacob Reznikov 𓀡 Jonah Saks 𓆏 Christian Táfula 𓆸 Rosie Zhao

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